Al Quackenbush was born and raised in the Finger Lakes region of New York. He has hunted and fished for 40+ years and loves every second of it. His dad taught him how to shoot a bow when he was nine years old and at fourteen, Al harvested his first whitetail deer, a 7-point buck during his first year of bow hunting. Since that moment, he has been captivated by everything hunting. He is a do-it-yourselfer and hunts hard no matter where he goes. He started writing because he wanted to share as much of what he has learned with everyone else.
After relocating to Southern California in the mid-2000s for a beautiful, intelligent, tell-it-like-it-is woman and did the smartest thing he’s ever done; he married her. They are blessed with one amazing daughter. He quickly realized that hunting in California was a challenge and decided the knowledge he gathered should be shared with other hunters, which led to his founding The SoCal Bowhunter. For thirteen years, Al shared his knowledge via his writing and presenting seminars at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

In June 2023, Al and his family moved from California to Middle Tennessee. The SoCal Bowhunter was rebranded to The Faithful Sportsman to share his love of Christ, the outdoors, archery, firearms, and freedom.
Renowned for delivering candid gear reviews and captivating tales of hunting adventure, Al has garnered recognition through published articles in national magazines, websites, and blogs. A seasoned guest on numerous podcasts, he brings his wealth of knowledge to the outdoor community. Not only is Al an award-winning photographer, but he also served as the co-host of the acclaimed “Sprocket & Chubbs Outdoor Podcast” and Vice President of the A3G Initiative. He contributed to a team dedicated to empowering amputees, enabling them to embrace their full potential and be integral parts of something extraordinary.
“My goals are to share the Gospel, and be the best husband, father, hunter, mentor and friend that I can. I feel that sharing what I know will help keep our heritage alive for future generations.”