Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Anyone with an A31 deer tag will tell you that this time of year is exciting, and extremely hot. I plan on heading out with Brett to try and fill our A31 tags on Saturday. These special tags allow us to shoot a buck or a doe with archery tackle.…

Clean air. Dirt trails. Climbing high in search of mule deer. The Silence. This past weekend was just what I needed and I feel like a new man. I was completely at peace in the mountains and it was glorious! It was something I definitely needed mentally and spiritually. LT…

Image provided by Work Sharp. Knife sharpening is easy. Yep, you heard me. It’s easy, but it takes practice! When you try the new Work Sharp Guided Sharpening System, you will see that not only is it easy, it’s fun, and you will want to sharpen everything. Work Sharp sent…

As soon as the previous deer season ends, we bowhunters start counting down to opening day of the next bow season. In SoCal, we prepare all year by consistently making it to the archery range, exercising, scouting, and earning spousal points so we can make it out the door for…

Every couple years I am blessed to be able to head back and bow hunt whitetail deer with my family in New York State. This year happens to be one of those years and I can hardly contain my excitement! You see, I love hunting whitetails. I love the planning,…

“Take care of your feet.” How many times have you heard experienced hunters tell you that? I must say it ten times a year to new hunters looking to upgrade their gear. “Get quality boots first!” I have said it once, and I’ll say it again, if you take care…

For many of us in SoCal, deer and bear seasons have just begun or will hit on September 5. Are you ready? I don’t just mean have you been shooting your bow and driving tacks at 60 yards. I mean are you ready mentally, physically, and do you have a…

It is time for another cigar review as we head into the weekend! Famous Smoke Shop sent me the Montecristo Relentless Toro (6 x 54) to review. Having never smoked a Montecristo, I was eager to smoke one, but I resisted the urge to smoke them right away and let…

After I posted yesterday, I reviewed my bow hunting to-do list. Tuning my bow and routine maintenance was at the top. I knew I needed to swap get my new Piranha bow strings on my other Bear Anarchy HC, but knowing I needed to hit the archery range on Tuesday…