Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

As a whitetail hunter, I used to hunt primarily out of a treestand and the need to spot and stalk wasn’t a priority. I took it for granted that I always had private land to hunt and could leave a treestand up all year. Now that I live in California,…

Ask California hunters what the best way to hunt deer is and you’ll get a variety of different answers. The same goes for bear and feral pigs. Most of the time it depends on where you are hunting. For me, there are three ways to successfully hunt big game in…

As you can clearly see, my TightSpot Quiver gets abused when I hunt. Durable. Adjustable. Nearly Indestructible. Quality. All things you want to hear when considering new hunting gear. These are necessary if you want your purchase to last and be worth every penny. The TightSpot Quiver is every one…

Yes, you read the headline correctly. Social media helped save the life of a coyote this past weekend. No, the wily animal didn’t put out a call for help on Twitter. No, something else happened and it makes for a slightly entertaining story! With the rains on Thursday and Friday,…

I had LT aim at the top point of the star. Great job at 40 yards! Meeting new bowhunters is something I love to do. Seeing the look on their faces when they hit that bullseye or when something goes right. That is awesome to me. Recently, I met Lautoua…

Hauling your gear through the backcountry isn’t a job for a department store backpack. Educate yourself and choose wisely. There are many factors you must take into consideration when investing in a quality pack. Instead of giving you a complete rundown of the specifications for what you should look for…

Turkey season has kicked off across much of the country. Some of you have filled your tags, while others have watched turkeys get run off by coyotes and sometimes other turkeys. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s still great to be out in the woods. There is a…

The main reason I started this blog was to help others learn more about bowhunting, especially in California. I know the difficulty that comes with learning how to hunt California. When I moved out here nearly a decade ago I struggled to learn the regulations, areas to hunt, and strict…

This is an excerpt from an article that ran in the February 2015 issue of California Sportsman Magazine. If you are like me, I often wonder what is ahead immediately after deer season ends. It doesn’t take long for me to imagine all the possibilities that are just waiting to…