Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

National Hammock Day was July 22nd and Grand Trunk provided me with a Parachute Nylon Double Hammock to field test. Assisting me was my daughter, who is my trusty sidekick and gear reviewer on all things fun. She was tasked with the testing comfort and swing-ability features. The Grand Trunk…

Seeing a guy draw back a bow with an 80# draw weight is impressive. It’s even more impressive when he actually punches out the bullseye of a target using said bow. While that is great for him, it may not be practical for you.Recently, I was talking to a co-worker…

Originally posted on the PocketRanger blog. How many times has this happened to you? Your phone slips from your grasp and plummets toward the concrete. In a blink of an eye you imagine utter destruction and loss of all the data held within, right? Now, I don’t recommend doing it…

My Scott Archery Little Bitty Goose release (l) after I lost the trigger. As I caught up on emails over the weekend, I received an excellent question regarding my archery release from Army Ranger Kelly Freeman. Do you change releases to hunt? I used to be a sniper in the…

My 2012 Colorado 4×5 bull. Nine months after dropping off my elk to be mounted at Authentic Taxidermy in Chino Valley, AZ it is finally in California and on the wall! It has been a test of patience and getting the puzzle pieces to fall into place, but it is…

It has been fairly quiet here at The SoCal Bowhunter for the past few weeks. Between battling some sickness, working my tail off and spending time with my family I haven’t have much strength or ambition to post. I have just been too darn tired, but I hope that is…

Recently, I reviewed the Optimizer Lite Ultra single-pin archery sight from HHA Sports. I have been asked why I changed from a 7-pin set-up and how a shooting single-pin benefits the bowhunter. To be honest, there have been some really great questions and I have tried to answer them all.…