Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Originally posted on the Pocket Ranger blog. Close range archery practice is something that isn’t mentioned much these days. Most times bowhunters will say they sighted in their bows between 20-80 yards and are very happy with that. What about when that animal surprises you and comes in at 10…

It’s not often that I have guest authors contribute to the SoCal Bowhunter, but every so often it calls for it. Chris Turgeon, one of the guys have have been hunting hogs with recently, was asking me about some new sights a couple months ago and mentioned the Trophy Ridge…

My latest article for PSE Archery. Perfect practice leads to success in the field. We have all heard it many times, but it rings true. Not mentioned often is the art of practicing patience both on the range and in the woods, both with you and with other archers. Learning…

With rain clouds appearing in the sky, Chris and I shot out Sunday afternoon to try and intercept some pigs. It didn’t turn out with a kill, but there was good reason for it. My day started off very early for a Sunday. I was at the archery range at…

This press release arrived in my email this morning and I had to share. My home state of New York is a great place to get into archery and to bow hunt. It makes me very happy to see the Nation Archery in the Schools Program being more readily accepted…

The 10th Annual Big Bear Carp Roundup will take place at Big Bear Lake on June 22-23, 2013. I am actually hoping to participate this year! It would be a great way to meet a few of the local archers and be fun to get out and thin the population…

If you followed my tweets last Friday, you would know I ventured out on public land in search of the ever elusive feral pig. The day seemed to drag on as I could not get hunting out of my brain! Once I was out of the office, I met up…

The first time I hunted the Fordon farm in New York was nearly nine years ago. I positioned myself at the base of a hickory tree and set up. I had no blind, no mosquito netting and it was a very humid day. I stayed still, except to call and…

As I sat down to read some hunting blogs and write a post of my own, I received a text from my friend Eddy Erautt, owner of Piranha Custom Bowstrings. The message was actually a photograph of Eddy and his tom turkey he arrowed last week. Here is his recap…