Caring for Your Gear in the Off Season Here is my second contribution to BowAmerica e-magazine for bowhunters. This is the February issue where I discuss end of season gear care (pg 18). I also have a gear review on Piranha Bowstrings. Be sure to check that out, too! As…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
Product Review: Badlands Hybrid Pack The Outdoor Blogger Network turned one back in October and as part of the celebration they, along with the sponsors, had abundant giveaways. One of the highly sought after items was a Badlands Hybrid Pack. Now imagine sitting in a treestand during the slow part…
Tejon Ranch Halts Hunting During Investigation Press Release from Tejon Ranch today: Tejon Ranch Company announced today that effective January 30, 2012, it will voluntarily suspend all normal hunting operations on the Ranch, revoke all unsupervised access permits, and refund all monies paid to date for hunting access on the…
SoCal Bowhunter Gear Giveaway Time! Who out there wants to win some new gear for 2012? One of my most essential tools in my kit is one that many don’t have or don’t think about. The tool I am referring to is my set of Allen wrenches. Sure they sell…
Shooting on an Incline or Decline for the Bowhunter This last deer season I was fortunate to arrow a whitetail from five yards out of a treestand in NY. The shot was fairly simple, no obstructions and easy to range. Back in California, I passed up a shot on a…
2012 Archery Trade Association Trade Show If you are a passionate bowhunter you probably have a good idea what the ATA show is. It’s a trade show for archers, bowhunters, manufacturers and dealers with new gear being released, schmoozing, trying out new toys, and networking with people in the archery…
The Offical Launch of BowAmerica! Open publication – Free publishing – More archery Being a blogger has it’s perks and one of them is being asked to write for a new bowhunting e-magazine. January 5, 2012 marked the launch of BowAmerica! I am humbled that I was asked to be…
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