Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Product Review: Hunter Safety System Ultra Lite Safety Harness Treestand safety is something I constantly promote. Far too many hunters have fallen out of their stands and injured themselves because they didn’t wear a safety harness. Some have been paralyzed and some have died. I have known a few guys…

CA Bear Hunting Regulations = Confusion! For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of hunting in California, you are missing out. It’s a great place to hunt, it really is. Even though it’s a great place to hunt, the laws and regulations here are the most confusing documents…

Top Shot Swag Giveaway Winner! Last week, I announced that Top Shot: Season 3 was launching this week (tonight on the History Channel) and that I had swag to give away. To enter, you had to answer this question: What are the names of the Top Shot: Season 3 contestants…

Scouting for Black Bear and Meeting Cameron Hanes Yesterday was a great day. First off, I was able to head out to my bear spot with Nate Welsh and get two treestands up. My arms and legs are sore as heck today from climbing up and down the trees, but…

Product Review: Cookie Boy Cookies Backcountry hunting involves preparation, perspiration and burning plenty of calories. Yes, calories. If you are going to burn boot rubber you will need to refuel. Most times I pack in a lunch complete with a couple of sandwiches, energy bars, energy gel, maybe a pack…

Top Shot: Season 3 and A Giveaway for You! Being a marksman is not all about firearms, gunpowder and bullets. Did you know that Top Shot: Season 2 winner, Chris Reed, is an avid archer? Yeah, I was surprised to hear that, too. I honestly didn’t know that until this…

Shameless Plug: Trying to Win a Trip (via ThermaCell) Ok, so I entered the ThermaCELL® August Appliance-a-Day Giveaway! Now I am trying to increase my chances of winning some ThermaCELL mosquito repellent products. I have two ThermaCells (which ALWAYS go to the woods with me), but my main goal is…

An Afternoon Family Nature Walk: Part 2 As we ventured down the path I fell behind. The girls kept going and at one point they were a hundred yards ahead of me. That would turn out to be a good thing because unbeknownst to them, nature had a treat in…

An Afternoon Family Nature Walk: Part 1 My backyard is the connection of two major freeways. Not just any freeways, mind you, but two of the most traveled freeways in the country. I despise traffic and city life is out of my comfort zone. Still, I moved out to California,…

Giving Young Hunters a Killing Chance Being an avid hunter, who got his start at a very early age, I try to encourage our young hunters every chance I get. Although I choose to mostly bow hunt my game, I am always willing to promote other types of hunting as…