Product Review Follow-up: Gerber Axle 2×3 Headlamp A while back I did a full review on the Gerber Axle 2×3 headlamp. I decided to try and use it a few more times and on the second try the unit wouldn’t even turn on. I had it in the woods with…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
No Dice On SoCal Mulies So Far Must…rest…legs… Yepper, that was me on multiple occasions last Saturday. Why? I’ll just say that them there hills are steep, I am out of shape and my pack weighed about 35 lbs. It was brutal on my body, but felt so good after…
Product Review: Havalon Piranta-EDGE Knife (with Blaze Orange Handle) When I was doing all of my hunting on the East Coast I didn’t have to travel very far to get to my stand. Hell, I didn’t have to walk over a quarter-mile to get to a spot. It was easy…
Working For The Weekend Editing video. Thinking about deer hunting. Creating logos. Washing camo and gathering archery gear. Illustrations and editing photos. Planning a Saturday hunt and feeling all ‘antsy in [my] pantsies’ (Great line from Super Troopers). This week has been a roller coaster for my brain. I wanted…
My Mind Is Like Molasses It has been one of those weeks. Lots of work to get done and little time to blog. I am sure we all have those days and I have to say I am thankful for the days I have plenty of work to do. I…
Hunting Gear Liability – Are Airlines Responsible For Your Gear? In a few weeks I am headed back to NY for the archery whitetail deer season (which opened today). In preparation for the trip I decided to review the TSA guidelines for traveling with firearms and archery equipment. I understood…
Product Review: Mike Jensen Bow Strings Back in 2008 I was at wit’s end. The bow I was shooting was a great bow, but it wasn’t built for power or shooting long distances. I did some searching and found a used bow online. When talking with the seller, he mentioned…
Learning Better Shot Placement on Deer One of the biggest fears a hunter has to face is the possibility of wounding an animal instead of a clean kill. I have had this happen to me before and recently I have read in the news and on other blogs the very…
Part II: DIY Colorado Elk Hunt As promised, here is the second part of the story from the DIY Pro Staffers recent bowhunting trip. What a hunt! Nathan and I had an awesome trip to CO this year. It was our first time bowhunting elk there. Team DIY member Eddy…
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