Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

More Scouting… Better Results I can’t believe how fast the time goes between blog posts sometimes. I had planned on writing last week, but got caught up in work, more work and then planning for the weekend hunt. During hunting season it might be difficult to keep up, but I…

Product Review: SKB ATA Parallel Limb Bow Case When you put something in a safety deposit box, you want to be sure it is safe and secure, insured and that you can be sure of what’s inside every time you open it. As a bow hunter, I want the same…

It’s Giveaway Time! Dick’s Custom Bow Grips Who wants some FREE stuff? The SoCal Bowhunter has a giveaway that you are all going to love! Raulin Dick, of Dick’s Custom Bow Grips, is going to give away two sets of custom bow grips here on The SoCal Bowhunter blog! Raulin…

Team DIYbowhunter Scouting For Bear With the black bear archery opener just two days away, I had to share our latest scouting adventure. Eric Welsh, owner, and I went scouting for a black bear here in Southern California this past Sunday. The video is almost 9 minutes long, but…

With Deer Season Right Around The Corner…

Bass Pro Fall Hunt Classic and Bear Scouting We had another successful black bear hunting seminar at Bass Pro Shops on Saturday. We had 20-25 people in the crowd at any given time and it was a great experience being up on the stage sharing about hunting. Eric gave an…

Seminar, Scouting and Target Practice This weekend is looking to be a very busy, yet productive one. I’ll be over at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga tomorrow helping Eric Welsh, Team DIY, with the bear hunting seminar at 4pm. It’s a shorter than normal seminar, so I’ll have to…

Free Bear Hunting Seminars at Bass Pro Shops Shazaam! Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga has asked Team DIY back to do our archery black bear hunting seminar during their Fall Classic. We are slated to go on this Saturday at 4 PM on the Tracker Stage. Once again, it…

Product Review: Loc-A-Peep Hunter and Whisper Lite Peep Sights Do you remember when you started using a peep-sight on your bow? I remember it very vividly. At the time, using a peep-sight was a new gimmick. Little did we know that the ‘gimmick’ was going to aid in our focus…

Scouting For Bear and The Neighborhood Opossum Let’s have some fun! I thought I’d post a couple videos today instead of being long-winded, dry and boring. We have a opossum that lives next door and he likes to eat our cats food. So, I busted out the video camera the…