Category: <span>bowhunting</span>

Hunting in New York has become one of my favorite activities. Why would a guy who is from NY say that? After having lived in California for the past 12 years, going back to NY is a blessing and one hunting trip I LOVE to plan for. I prefer to…

The weather in New York is cooling down rapidly and the deer are in the mood. The trees still have a lot of green, but I am prepared. Between my Badlands Approach and Approach FX camo, I’ll blend in well. Practice has been on point and I am looking forward…

It won’t be long now and whitetails will be hitting the ground. I am stoked that I will be heading to New York to bow hunt for whitetails with my family. Cameras are out, stands are being set up, and I am itching to be in the woods! Who else will…

Our minds are constantly learning and yearning to know more. As a hunter in Southern California, I completely understand that there are new hunters, as well as many seasoned hunters who want to learn more about how to hunt, where to find the animals, and what to do when the…

As a bowhunter, what is your point blank range? Not sure what I mean? Watch this very educational, and easy to follow, video from Scott Bakken at HHA Sports. I can’t wait to try this!

Hunting season has seemed like a bit of a far off dream for me. I was able to get out early in the season, but with everything that has been going on and then getting sick, I simply have not had the opportunity to get back out. Normally this would…

Come on out and say hello this Saturday and Sunday at the Bass Pro Shops Fall Hunting Classic in Rancho Cucamonga! It’s Local Pro Weekend! Let’s talk hunting, shooting, archery, and gear. I’ll be manning the Vortex Optics table upstairs with some fun giveaways! There will be some great deals…

On October 22, 2016, I will be giving an Introduction to Archery seminar at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. The seminar begins at 2:00 PM and will focus on archery, not hunting. There are many who are considering getting into archery, but do not know where to start…

Last Saturday morning, I prepared for my Bowhunting Deer in SoCal Seminar at Bass Pro Shops like I do any seminar. I collect my thoughts, make some notes, and set up in preparation for a few people to discuss hunting in SoCal. Normally, I try to keep my seminars to…