Category: <span>bowhunting</span>

As a young boy, I would stare in awe at my dad’s whitetail racks mounted on the wall and wonder what the story was behind each one. My dad certainly knew each an every one, but he began to amass quite a trophy wall of antlers and I couldn’t keep…

Cameron Hanes sharing his experience at Bass Pro Shops Fall Classic in Rancho Cucamonga. Hunting stories are something I live for. The preparation, hard work, gear and actual hunt make for some great conversation. Anyone who has attended a hunting seminar knows that somewhere in the midst of sharing about…

My 2012 Colorado 4×5 bull. Nine months after dropping off my elk to be mounted at Authentic Taxidermy in Chino Valley, AZ it is finally in California and on the wall! It has been a test of patience and getting the puzzle pieces to fall into place, but it is…

Recently, I reviewed the Optimizer Lite Ultra single-pin archery sight from HHA Sports. I have been asked why I changed from a 7-pin set-up and how a shooting single-pin benefits the bowhunter. To be honest, there have been some really great questions and I have tried to answer them all.…

The planning stage for bowhunting Colorado Elk in 2014 has begun! Brett and I have been talking about it since my return from CO last September and now we are gearing up. As we have been practicing, talking about what fitness level we want to be at, and talking gear,…

My latest article for PSE Archery. The off season is the perfect time for bowhunters to take the time to review what gear they have and what they might need to replace. Bowhunting in Southern California has many advantages; there is plenty of public land, you can hunt in many…

Originally posted on the Pocket Ranger blog. New bowhunting technology fascinates me and I love improving my chances at filling my freezer with some wild game. I have almost always used multi-pin archery sights because I thought they were the best options. When I was introduced to the HHA Optimizer…

Over the weekend I was pondering many things. Would we see deer on our deer scouting trip? Would I be able to get everything done around the house that I wanted to? How were people remembering our fallen Veterans? The one thing I was not thinking about was my own…

Originally posted on the Pocket Ranger blog. Close range archery practice is something that isn’t mentioned much these days. Most times bowhunters will say they sighted in their bows between 20-80 yards and are very happy with that. What about when that animal surprises you and comes in at 10…