Category: <span>NY</span>

Rocky Athletic Mobility boots and Badlands Approach camo make a great combination. Patience and planning. Two things that make an out of state hunt much more enjoyable. Even though I am from NY and have hunted there my entire life, I still remain abreast of the new or updated laws…

My doe taken during the 2015 NY archery season. Please excuse the terrible pose. Filling my freezer was always on my mind, but that wasn’t the reason I went to NY to hunt. While most would just want to fill a tag, I wanted to see my family and hunt…

When I think about Father’s Day, I think about spending time with my daughter and I also think back to my childhood. The two have very distinct differences as I grew up in the country and Riley in the city, but we share the fact that we get to do…

This press release arrived in my email this morning and I had to share. My home state of New York is a great place to get into archery and to bow hunt. It makes me very happy to see the Nation Archery in the Schools Program being more readily accepted…

The first time I hunted the Fordon farm in New York was nearly nine years ago. I positioned myself at the base of a hickory tree and set up. I had no blind, no mosquito netting and it was a very humid day. I stayed still, except to call and…

My old time hunting buds, my dad and brother, have been busy setting up tree stands and trail cams in NY. They have been putting in plenty of hard work over the past few weeks. Now, one of the things all three of us are guilty of is playing pranks…

Another NY Bowhunter Finds SuccessOne of my good friends and former rugby teammates was successful in his quest to take a deer with archery tackle this past weekend. I have known Seth Sikes for at least a decade and he’s a great friend. He is a guy who once he…

A Camera Adds 20 Pounds With the NY archery deer season opening in mid-October, my dad and brother set up some trail cams on some of the property we can hunt. All I can say is that it looks promising. Take a look up in the tree to the right.…

Back From New York The past week has been full of anticipation and fun. I went back to New York State for my annual deer hunt with my dad and brother. I chose to go during the archery season again this year because I love bowhunting and it was supposed…

Working For The Weekend Editing video. Thinking about deer hunting. Creating logos. Washing camo and gathering archery gear. Illustrations and editing photos. Planning a Saturday hunt and feeling all ‘antsy in [my] pantsies’ (Great line from Super Troopers). This week has been a roller coaster for my brain. I wanted…