Category: <span>public land</span>

The scratching around the edge of the tent was incessant. It was 2:00 AM and now I couldn’t sleep. Little feet could be heard scurrying around the inside of the tent as little claws met tarp. I was warned that I may find a little present on my pillow from…

Product Review: HuntingGPS Maps from Montana Maps & GPS “Ummm… I’ve seen that same tree three or four times. I think we’re lost.” Ever hear your hunting buddy say that or have you ever thought that when hunting alone? Ever wondered if you were on public or private land? Now…

SoCal Public Land Wild Turkeys Now that we are full-swing into our Spring turkey season, and I have been busy enough where I haven’t had a chance to get out to hunt, here is a video clip I shot about a month ago. If this doesn’t get you charged up…

Daytripping Down The Trail What has two thumbs and is going after hogs again this weekend? Yepper… This Guy! Sure, I may spend a lot of time and money chasing these bristly, tick-infested balls of muscle, but I love every second of it. For me it’s not all about getting…

Hunting The Suburbs With Meat Missiles Here’s a great little article about urban bowhunting from Atlanta Magazine. Many of us out here in SoCal can relate to this a little too well. As you read, just replace Atlanta with Los Angeles and you’ll feel right at home. We’re near Hartsfield-Jackson…

What Would You Do? I was recently talking with another hunter about this type of thing and wondered what each of you would do. Scenario: You have scouted up some nice bucks on public land and are now ready for the season. You have picked your spot, a mile in,…

Half of Hunters Facing Access Restrictions Spend Less Time in Field I was reviewing some older emails from outdoor sources when I came across this article from The Outdoor Wire. It’s based on a survey about hunting access. FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. – Nearly half of the hunters who were restricted…

Recap: Hog Hunting Seminar This past Saturday I had the pleasure if attending a hog hunting seminar at the Rancho Cucamonga Bass Pro Shops. Also representing was fellow member Darrell Slay (Slayryd). The seminar was given by professional guide Ron Gayer and author Durwood Hollis. Both men have hunted…

Hunting With New Friends Many of you know that I am a frequent contributor over at I have met some wonderful people from the forums and look forward to meeting more. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Mike McNamara. He’s a local hunter, archer, a…