Category: <span>Rockies</span>

The clouds had cleared as we hiked in to camp. Rain clouds littered the sky at the hotel, but we decided to go for it. We wanted to have camp set up as soon as we could because we wanted to start hunting. In an hour we were at the…

For over a year, the thoughts of heading back to Colorado have consumed me. Training, making phone calls, reviewing map data, and focusing on when to go had risen to the top making anything else seem secondary. As September 20 crept closer, there was a steady increase in text messages…

My sore aching body slowly woke up with the alarm on day number two. Mentally I was ready to hunt, but physically I was drained. One day of hard hunting and I was tired and sore. What the heck was I thinking? Tired and sore? Really? I was here to…

This spectacular view greeted me each day. If you are afraid of muscle fatigue, ripping your brand spanking new camouflage, or sweating up a storm as you traverse the mountains – then Colorado elk hunting isn’t for you. You have to be physically prepared AND mentally prepared for extreme highs…