Category: <span>scouting</span>

When I am not in the woods hunting I am either practicing at the archery range or online researching or on the phone hunting down areas to hunt. One of the key ingredients to my success this year is gaining access to some other areas in Southern California. So far…

Getting outdoors during the off-season is great and taking part in things like the California Bighorn Sheep Survey is one way to do it! I took part in it last year and will be again this year. Here is the press release and info from the California Department of Fish…

 My most recent blog entry for PSE Archery: Resolutions are tossed around at the start of each year and most last but a few weeks. The off season can seem like it lasts forever, but does it really have to? Does it even exist? For the die hard deer hunter…

It took me five long years to find what I consider my honey hole. I held off hunting it all this year to save it for the late season. Now that the late season was here Brett and I were excited to finally make it out there. The rain was…

The temperature read 96 degrees in Brett’s truck. Were we thinking straight? It was 4:00 PM in the high desert and we were putting on 40 lb packs to hike into the Angeles National Forest to do some scouting. Yes, it was very hot, but we were motivated by what…

It’s been a slow week for my blog. Beside working, I have been either on the phone, in my workshop or compiling what I need for this season. When I say season I don’t mean just deer season. I am also talking pig, elk, bear, turkey, etc. A few new…

Driving up a Southern California freeway at 4:00 AM on a Saturday morning can be exciting when you are headed out scouting for deer. It can also be tiring, dreadful and irritating when it seems that everyone else decided to get up early, too. The freeway was very busy for…

Sorry for the misleading title! As you can see, ‘real’ animals were harmed during the making of our practice session! I was referring to our targets at the archery range on Friday night. Brett and I hit the range early and our first shots at 40 yards are shown below.…

In the early morning hours, he restlessly stirs. He suddenly sits up, glancing at the light streaming in the bedroom window and fears he has missed his alarm. He reaches for his phone and laughs when he sees that he has woken up at 2:22 AM. A full eight minutes…

Staring into the shadows of an overgrown brushy hillside or down into a steep canyon, you look for an ear twitch, or a shape standing out differently than the rest of the scenery. In order to step up your game and be an effective hunter, you must use quality optics…