Category: <span>Strother Archery</span>

Rumors about this merger have been floating around for weeks, but now it’s official. I am bummed that I had to find out on Facebook and not from Strother Archery itself, but now I know. Love my Strother bows and wonder if Obsession Bows will keep the staffers or go…

  Usually I am quite content shooting my compound bows for years. This year I opted to shoot some different bows to keep my options open. It turns out I really like the way the Strother Archery bows feel when I shoot them. After shooting them over and over and…

Weekend projects I live for. I really do. I enjoy staying active and working with my hands. I have some fun little projects planned for this weekend in particular. Each and every ‘planned’ project involves the outdoors in some way. My first order of business is making up two batches…

Seeing this after releasing arrows at 40 yards with a 20-30 mph crosswind was encouraging! My thoughts had been on bowhunting all week. Every day was filled with more than enough to do, but come Friday at 5:00 PM I needed some arrow therapy. Once it arrived, I knew it…

This year I decided I needed a change in my archery set up. I felt something was missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it. It wasn’t just the bow, my rest, or my arrows. It was a combination of the three. I began shooting different bows, taking notes,…