Category: <span>Wapiti</span>

The scratching around the edge of the tent was incessant. It was 2:00 AM and now I couldn’t sleep. Little feet could be heard scurrying around the inside of the tent as little claws met tarp. I was warned that I may find a little present on my pillow from…

My sore aching body slowly woke up with the alarm on day number two. Mentally I was ready to hunt, but physically I was drained. One day of hard hunting and I was tired and sore. What the heck was I thinking? Tired and sore? Really? I was here to…

This spectacular view greeted me each day. If you are afraid of muscle fatigue, ripping your brand spanking new camouflage, or sweating up a storm as you traverse the mountains – then Colorado elk hunting isn’t for you. You have to be physically prepared AND mentally prepared for extreme highs…

A lifetime of daydreaming, two years of careful preparation, and a limited budget were just part of the equation. Attempting a DIY bow hunt for elk in Colorado has been on a wish list in my family for years. To be honest, it always seemed like more of a pipe…

March Issue of BowAmerica! What is the hunt of your dreams? This is the main topic of discussion for this months BowAmerica magazine. There are some great articles from my fellow bow hunters regarding what THEIR dream hunt is. There are many animals I want to hunt, but currently this…