In discussions with my good friend Chuck, who is active military, I know that getting a license to hunt out of state can cost an arm and a leg. He loves to hunt and usually only gets to when he’s back in NY with his family. As I was getting my daily dose of my hunting blogs (bear with me on this one), Phillip over at The Hog Blog posted a link back to Holly’s blog, NorCal Cazadora where she writes about a great concept. Why not offer the non-resident military hunting tags at resident prices?
Quoted from Holly’s blog: ‘The idea Maj. Darin Harper sent to me in an email last week was just as much of a no-brainer: Current members of the armed services should be able to pay resident fees to hunt in any state in the Union.’
Shouldn’t be, too difficult, right? The military provides more than we can ever truly appreciate, so why not give back what we can to them. Well, it’s more complicated than that and Holly shares the details on her blog.

I am following Phillip’s lead and re-posting this. Do you think this is a concept worth pursuing? If so, follow Holly’s lead by posting up with a link back to her article:
I know I agree with it. Knowing that these guys and gals put their lives on the line for us is humbling to say the least. I also know that it won’t be easy to just get states to accept the idea. What do you think? Share your thoughts and ideas.
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