Outdoor Life names the best towns in America for hunters and fishermen
Ever wonder where the best places to go for hunting and fishing in the US are? Outdoor Life just released their third annual ranking of the
best towns in America for hunters and fishermen. I wasn’t surprised that I had to scroll… and scroll… and scroll to #137 before I saw California on the list, but it’s there. You won’t see any Southern Cali areas on the list, but you will see Northern and Central CA and some in Arizona.
This is from the Outdoor Life article:
Our rankings are based on the performance of hundreds of towns in various socio-economic and outdoors-related categories. Socio-economic subcategories, which make up 40 percent of the overall score, include population percent growth since 2000, median household income, median home value, cost of living, unemployment rate, population density, mean commute time and amenities. Outdoors-related subcategories, which combine to account for 60 percent of the overall score, include the gun-friendliness of each town’s state, huntable and fishable species nearby, proximity to public land and waters, and the potential for taking a trophy-caliber animal or fish nearby.
To me it’s more than a ranking. It’s an elaborate chart that gives a lot of information, such as population, huntable species and proximity to water. All in all I would say it’s a very usable chart for planning a future hunt.
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