While perusing the web this morning, I found an interesting update to the bear tag validation procedures for 2012. The California Fish and Game Commission has updated the regulations. They have amended Sections 365 and 708.12 for bear hunting tag validation.
This is an extract from the regulation amendment. If you want to read the entire document, please go here.
Section 365, Title 14, CCR is amended to read:
§365. Bear.(d) Validation of Bear Tags:
Only department employees may validate bear license tags (This provision supersedes section 4755 of the Fish and Game Code). Bear license tags shall be countersigned by a department employee before transporting such bear except for the purpose of taking it to the nearestpersondepartment employee authorized to countersign the bear license tag,on the route being followed from the point where the bear is taken. If department offices are closed, the bear tag shall be validated within one (1) business day of transporting the bear from the point where taken.
This is good news as it gives additional time to successful bear hunters to get their tag validated. Most offices are closed on the weekends and with so much area to cover, it can be very difficult to get a warden out to your location in a timely manner. This should help many hunters, but keep in mind that as far as I understand it, you still have to call and attempt to get a warden or biologist to your location to validate the tag. Can anyone correct me here?
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