Growing older for a man usually leads to a quest for either getting a better body or going through a mid-life crisis. I am fighting the ‘closer to 40’ feeling by finely tuning my body and mind. For the past 30 days I have been working out and taking SIX Nutrition Vitamins for Men to see how they help me perform.
I do not like the gym. I despise the machines and being boxed in. I feel limited. Instead, I prefer exercising in the great outdoors. I do not like to run long distances. I am a naturally built sprinter and I used that to the best of my ability when playing rugby for twelve years. As I have aged, sprinting and running are not something I look forward to. With that said, I do enjoy the results they provide.
Back at the end of August, I began a training regimen to try and lose between 25-30 pounds and build up some strength and endurance. My wife is the runner of the family. She is the one who got me into trying out running and I am thankful for that. I started running, biking, hiking, lifting light weights and eating right. The biking and hiking was the easiest part and the running was the toughest. I was running a couple miles a day, a couple times a week. Throughout each run I was aching, tired, and miserable. I just did not have the stamina to keep pushing. I’ll admit, even mentally I didn’t feel up to the task.
When I began working out (two months prior to taking the SIX Nutrition supplements), I would run a couple miles and feel exhausted. Mentally, I was having to work hard to focus on my goals while running. I also noticed that my body would tighten up and at one point I pulled a tendon in my calf and couldn’t run for a week. My back muscles would tighten and then I’d feel fatigued. When the opportunity came to test out the SIX Nutrition supplements, I figured why not. I had nothing to lose. So I began taking them.

Let me say that taking six pills sucks. Especially with that plastic coating that makes them float in your mouth. They were difficult for me to swallow at first. The package says to take them 30 minutes prior to working out or in the morning with 8 oz. of water. Taking them 30 minutes prior did not work for me. I like to workout first thing in the morning, so I opted to take them immediately AFTER I worked out. When I took them prior to running I felt like I was going to vomit the entire run. I hated that feeling. When I took them after my run, or the evening before my run, I didn’t have that feeling and I felt great. I think the best benefit I had came when taking them the night before.
Officially, these worked great for me! Let me touch on the finer points of the SIX points.
- I noticed an increase in endurance. I went from running two miles in agony to running a 5K three times a week. Some days I pushed myself to 4.25 miles and felt great.
- Recovery: I was rarely sore throughout the 30 days and I worked hard to make myself sore. I ran, the next day I would bike twenty miles, then run again on day three, and then hike a steep 6 miles on day four. Then I’d repeat it in some fashion. I just didn’t feel sore.
- Overall, I felt good. My joints that are normally very sore and achy did not feel anything like they did. After many years of rugby and being overweight much of my adult life, my knees get achy. They felt incredibly lubricated and loose while taking the supplements.
- Sex drive: I’ll be honest – I never had a problem with that, even as I get closer to forty. The wife is going to love that I said that, but it’s true.
- Strength and muscle were two things I honestly didn’t think I’d see many results in, but I was wrong. My core is tighter, I feel stronger, and I didn’t pack on pounds of muscle. I feel better now at age 38 than I did when I was 20. When I run, I can actually feel my core tighten and stay really strong, which helps me breathe better. A vast improvement!
They also offer a 90-day guarantee, too. Not just any guarantee, a 110% money-back guarantee:
If, after using SIX FOR MEN for 90 days, you don’t agree that it is the best nutrition program you have ever used, if you don’t feel more energy or experience better overall health in 90 days, we will return 110 PERCENT of your money!

Remember my weight loss goal? I lost 39 lbs in 12 weeks. The testing of the SIX Nutrition came at the end of the 12 weeks, so it’s a legit test. (This is not a weight loss supplement, but an overall supplement for a mans health.) This greatly improved my ability to stay focused and train hard when I was tired and my body felt shot. I have never had a supplement plan work well for me until I began using the SIX Nutrition supplements. It worked so well that I was able to not only keep up with my hunting partners on our last couple trips, but I was able to stay out ahead of them and I wasn’t even close to out of breath. My muscles felt strong and I felt like I could hike for days. It was a wonderful feeling!
A 30-day supply of the SIX Nutrition Vitamins for Men costs $59.95. Considering it is six pills each day in a convenient pouch, and the fact that they worked well for me, I will say that’s a good price. Better yet, buy the three month supply and save $30 or so. Keep in mind the guarantee, but I am going to bet you won’t be needing that.
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I received Six Nutriton supplements for free from Six Nutrition as coordinated by Deep Creek PR an Outdoor Industry Public Relations Company in consideration for review publication. All opinions are strictly our own.
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