On Saturday, July 26, a team from Boeing, El Dorado Park, the Long Beach Bowhunters, El Dorado Archers, and other volunteers was assembled to fix the fence behind the archery range at El Dorado Park in Long Beach, CA. Over a hundred people showed up, mostly Boeing employees we all put in some great work!
Boeing replaced many of the boards that were missing from the fence. The fence is more than three decades old and it shows it. Everyone teamed up and picked up debris, scraped the old paint, and then repainted the fence. It looks awesome! Great job to all involved and a big Thank You to Boeing for their part!
I was able to meet up and talk with Joy Warren (3D animal target issue) and she said the issue would be brought to the Parks Commission for a decision. She is going to call me with the date and time (it should be August 21 (website is incorrect, but I will confirm)) so that both sides may be represented. I appreciate her taking the time to share that information and chat with me.
Here are some more photos from the fence restoration:
The fence patched up from one angle. |
The boards have been replaced and now the debris removal is set to begin. |
One of the two truckloads of debris (old fencing, sticks, bottles, plastic, etc.) we removed. |
Boeing employees painting a thirsty fence! |
The fence looking better than it has in many years! |
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