For many years I have been successfully using HHA Sports archery sights and they have helped me improve as an archer and as a bow hunter. Last year I was blessed to be able to test out and complete a full field test and review on the Optimizer Tetra with great personal results. This year HHA added the Optimizer Tetra TE (Tournament Edition) to their line up and again I was blessed to be able to test it out with great results.
Some of the Tetra TE features listed on the HHA website are worth noting. Like all HHA sights, it comes with multiple sight tapes and easy to follow instructions. It’s made out of machined aluminum, has water resistant yardage tapes, and sports the 100% lifetime warranty. The most important for this field test was the mechanical rheostat that allows for brightness control. You’ll read why that was key later on.
As usual, HHA built this sight to be solid and easy to install. The dovetail design of the Tournament Edition is one I love because it allows me to extend the sight housing out further, closer to the target. I love using a smaller housing, so I continue to use the 1 5/8″ version. The micro-adjust windage system is awesome and allows you to get that pin exactly where you want it. The proof is when I ventured to the 100 yard range. My favorite feature is the micro-adjust system. I am able to first slide the housing into the frame instead of having to use two screws as on other HHA sights I have used. This gives you more flexibility and precision settings.

At the range, it was easy to use the sight tape to get dialed in at 20 yards. Once I moved out to 60 yards, it took me three arrows to find the target and that’s normal. Why? I eyeballed where I thought I would be and the first arrow hit in front of the target, the second over it, and the third was on target. It didn’t take long to fine tune and start putting 5″ groups together.

Within a couple trips to the outdoor range I was very happy with where I was hitting, knowing I had confidence in my set-up with the HHA Optimizer Tetra TE. Then I got creative. I banged the bow around a bit at the range, inside my case, setting it hard on concrete vs. using a bow stand. I wanted to see if these minor things would affect the sight in any way. Each and every time I was able to draw, anchor, find my pin and target, and then hit right where I was aiming. The sight held true. The adjustment wheel continues to be smooth and easily rotatable.
Here is my one caution that I had to figure out the hard way. I shoot the .010″ pin because I like using a small pin to see more of the target when shooting. It’s a very bright pin when outdoors and I have no issues with that, but when you move to an indoor range you may find some difficulty that can lead to frustration. I went to an indoor range and they had metal protectors over the lights to keep stray arrows from finding their way into them. This caused a major reduction in available light. The target area was completely black and when I tried to find my pin it was nearly impossible. I had forgotten that you can adjust the mechanical rheostat that allows for brightness control simply by rotating the front counterclockwise to allow more of the fiber optic to show, thus gathering more light. Once I did this, I was able to see the pin better. Talk about relief! I am also adding a stand alone sight light HHA sells in order to have a fall back in case I shoot at a black pig, at dusk, in a valley.
HHA Sports always seems to impress me every year with new offerings and rock-solid equipment. I have been shooting with the HHA Optimizer Tetra TE at the range out to 80 yards and in my backyard at 10 yards. I can quickly and easily dial it in and shoot. Be warned, if you continue to practice shooting at the same spot over and over with this sight, you are bound to start splitting arrows! The Optimizer Tetra TE (Tournament Edition) retails for $299.00, is impressive, and worth the investment.
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