I look forward to hunting in NY each and every year. With the forests in Southern California going up in flames, I enjoy getting out of the smoke and into the snow! I’m only a big fan of snow during hunting season and with the snow they are receiving right now, it may be a white opening day this Saturday. I am glad I have the new Badlands PYRE cold weather gear waiting for me to stay toasty on watch.

Those of you who follow my social media know that I am heading to NY later this week for the firearm deer opener on November 16. You may also remember from one of my IG posts that I had an issue with the rear sight of my Winchester Ranger 44 magnum lever-action rifle. The short story is that the rear piece had been turned around and mounted wrong. After investigating and taking it off myself, I found the issue. Once that was done, my rifle was ready to go.
With a few days to go, I am itching to be in a treestand scanning the fields and woods for a mature buck and some does. Until then, I get to finish up the work week, pack what I need to, and count down the hours until I head out. Who else is hunting opening day in NY? Are you hunting with family, friends, or solo? I’m hunting with my dad and brother and I cannot wait for it to begin.
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