Hunt Planning for 2021 – This is my Addiction

Over the years, I have become addicted to planning my hunts. Yes, I have THAT addiction. Meticulously researching gear, maps, regulations and tag fees. It can get a bit overwhelming if you don’t take a breath once in a while, but it’s oh so much fun! This year isn’t any different. While I am looking into some of my normal California hunts, I am planning a few out-of-state trips to maximize my options.

One major change in my planning this year will be boots. Investing in your feet is something I preach, but haven’t focused enough on my own. For years I would torture myself, but it came with a cost of being slower and slowing down my younger hunting buddies. 2021 will be the year that changes. Prepare to see some upcoming boot reviews and lifestyle changes to make 46 years young feel like 30.

Most of my hunt plans are utilizing archery tackle. I simply love to bow hunt wherever I can. That doesn’t always work out, so I also factor in some rifle odds, travel restrictions, and state laws. As of right now, I am looking into the following states, but I will narrow it down to a few as the days fade.

California – Blacktail Deer and Wild Pig – I’ll still put in for the deer draw, but my focus will be hunting pigs this year. Why pigs and not something else? I have put a great deal of time and effort into hunting California. I now want to utilize my time in some other states. New adventures and new game to chase!

Arizona – Mule Deer and Coues Deer. This will be a late season hunt for me, but one of the most rewarding as I am planning on hunting with my good friend, Ramon. We will be targeting mule deer and Coues deer with OTC tags, and who knows, we may go after some javelina, as well.

Oklahoma – Whitetail Deer and Wild Pig – A friend invited me to hunt whitetail with he and his wife this year. Big, midwest whitetails and all the hogs I want. Sounds like a solid option for everyone!

New York – Whitetail Deer – My yearly trek to hunt whitetail with my family. I look forward to this trip each and every year.

Utah – Elk – This could be more of a scouting and research trip for me, but I aim to look into elk habitat, weather, and terrain. There are some opportunities that I might find hiding under a rock.

A few other hunt invites are on the table and I need to check my schedule and wallet.

Nebraska – Mule Deer – Hunting late season mule deer with my friend Kevin Paulson. Again, this is on the wish list as something I would like to do, but research hasn’t been completed yet.

Georgia – Alligator – I’ve been putting in for alligator points for the better part of a decade with encouragement from my friend Bill Howard. After his successful hunt 7 or 8 years ago, I knew I wanted to hunt a gator. Now I have enough points and then some to draw a tag. I simply need to make a plan to get there and hunt.

As you can see, if hunting is like my dinners, I like a full plate and sometimes go back for seconds. 2020 shut down a bunch of my hunts and I knew I would need to step up in 2021. Many of these hunts are going to happen and I will bust my hump to get in shape and get to these hunts. It won’t be easy, but that’s half the fun!

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