Training is necessary to consistently do something right. Take firearm training, for example. To safely utilize a firearm in the proper manner you need training. I am constantly training and learning to do new things in the outdoors. The new Mantis Blackbeard is an auto-reset trigger system for the AR-15 platform that allows you to dry-fire comfortably. I’ve been using this Made in the U.S.A. training aid for a couple months and I learned a few things along the way.

The two-piece system comes in a convenient zippered case. It is very simple and installs quickly. One piece is a drop-in bolt carrier group and the other is the magazine that works with your existing trigger. You don’t need to modify anything on your rifle! Simply remove your existing BCG and magazine from your AR-15, install the Blackbeard BCG, secure the upper and lower, install the magazine and you are ready to begin training. And yes, it will also work with California compliant AR-15s. In fact, it works very well.

The Blackbeard magazine is the battery port and makes a connection with the BCG. Note: make sure to charge your system fully before operation. A charging cable is provided, but to be fully transparent, I wanted to see if the Blackbeard would come fully charged. It may have been at the factory, but in transit, the battery power dropped and wouldn’t function. I left the magazine to charge during the workday and when I came home, it was ready for use. The battery rating is for 100,000 shots per charge and while I like that number, I have not come close to practicing that often.
You can choose a red, green, infrared or no laser at all. I highly recommend a laser because not only do you get to practice proper trigger control and squeeze, but there were added benefits. First, you get to see if your cheek weld is correct. The first couple of times I used the Blackbeard, my cheek was far too high on the stock. Once adjusted properly, the red dot was in the center of my scope and on target. Also, be sure to focus on having the butt of the rifle against your shoulder properly. I found myself getting complacent with a weak shoulder mount because I knew there would be no recoil. Immediately, I failed. I remedied that quickly, adjusted my cheek weld and began training again. After those were properly practiced repeatedly, my confidence grew.
Not only is this a great learning tool, but it is downright fun to use! I don’t know of any other system like this. Like many of you, I cannot get to the rifle range often enough to practice as I want. I also do not have an endless supply of ammunition, so this helps in both ways. With the Blackbeard, I can train anytime and not fire a single round, saving both time and money.
Side Note: I asked Mantis if they have one of these for the AR-10 platform and there is not. If there were enough demand for it I could see this being utilized in more firearms, but I understand why the focus is on the AR-15 platform. A few people have already asked me about a training system for other firearms, so there is interest.
The Mantis Blackbeard is easy to install, use, and it stores easily. In my humble opinion, this is a must have for any shooter. The Blackbeard I tested retails for around $219.00 with the red laser. Slightly more for the green laser. If you add up the cost of gas, ammo, range fees and time, well, this pays for itself after using it a couple times. You can train anytime and you’ll be sure to find me utilizing mine often. It should be obvious that I not only recommend using a Mantis Blackbeard, I highly encourage it.
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