Writing is a passion of mine. I thrive on the written word. It has been a passion since I was in seventh grade when I was tasked by a teacher to write a convincing essay about anything. I won’t get into the fictional story I wrote, but it was so convincing my teacher brought in two other teachers and apologized for my loss. I had to convince her that my story was complete fiction, but knowing it had caught her attention so well made me smile and gave me hope for writing. I say this because lately I have had little desire to write. Mainly because I am not in the business of sharing fiction, but sharing adventures, reviews, and the truth about hunting and I am not sure of my audience anymore. That’s a tough pill to swallow.

Here’s why I feel my blog writing bones may be drying out. I feel I have shared a great deal over 12 years of this blog. What else can I cover that you haven’t already read about? I have been approached by some new readers who have asked me to share about some things I have covered over the years, but I personally feel I have exhausted them here. Maybe it’s just me. What I see happening is that readers aren’t looking to go back through what I have written about and instead would like it shared again or be shown a new take on the same subject. Am I right?

Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself blessed and I still love to write. I have been blessed by having other writers, who I look up to, asking me to write for them. But I get stuck in a rut again not knowing what to write about because I do not want to simply regurgitate old articles of mine or state what these other writers have shared. They have covered much, so where can I add value?
What will I do? This is me reaching out to YOU! What is it you want to know about? Are you a person who wants to learn about bowhunting? Let me know! Are you wanting to see arrow builds or bow builds? Let me know! Have you grown tired of what I am writing about? Definitely share that with me. I love communication and this blog is here for you all. Sure, it is an outlet for me to share, but knowing I can reach even one person makes a difference.
As a fellow writer, I write for myself AND others. For me, writing stimulates my mind, is an exercise in thought and skill, while removing me from the hamster wheel of life. Writing for others is a rewarding feeling when receiving acknowledgement and feedback, even if it is one single reader.
I contribute the lack of response to Podcasts. Over a decade ago, when you started your blog, the idea and creation of the “blog” was the hot topic. I believe that focus has shifted to podcasts. It seems a new show is published daily and listeners have a better chance of keeping up with cell phone technology than they do with their 5 favorite shows.
Put your product in front of people. I am a big fan, yet had no idea you had published this blog. I navigated to your website in pursuit of a particular gear review and stumbled upon your troubling post. Although your readers may subscribe via email, I recommend advertising your upcoming or newly published products.
I hope you find your writing “mojo” again and stay the course. #stayinthefight
Aaron Ritter
Continue the work, you are a writer and a writer must write. More than that though you are an inspiration and you are inspiring and leading others to the outdoors through your words, your actions and your blog.