January has flown by and priorities have shifted multiple times. It occurred to me this week that I have not shared anything from the Archery Trade Association show! So many great things happened and I was able to talk to many manufacturers about new products launching this year.
Most of what I will share will be in images of the products and a brief description. I may know more than I share, but that is due to being asked not to go into too much detail right now. That being said, this will be a post loaded with photos.

The people. The people are who I love to catch up with at ATA!

While the Show was indeed smaller, the value in relationships was at the forefront. Quality men and women of the archery industry showing their love and camaraderie.

The coffee from Hunting Day was on point! They worked their tails off making sure we were all caffeinated throughout the Show. Let me tell you, the coffee was so good! I have some Spear Hunter brewing right now!

You really had to be at the Badlands booth to see the line of people waiting to get Badlands tats. Plus, the GT Approach pattern was a big draw for those who love to hunt swamp and dark timber. Trust me, it’ll be something you add to your gear list this year.

Yes, I did shoot some bows while I was there. To be honest, the only bow that I truly enjoyed shooting was the Obsession BONE. It was smooth, no hump, quiet and fast. It was the only bow I was impressed with.

After walking the floor multiple times, I kept adding things to my list of products I’d love to try out.

There were far more products I looked at and people I had conversations with that were incredibly fruitful.

The 2024 ATA Show was a great success in so many ways. Seeing friends, swapping stories and laughing made the three days fly by. The Target the Heart prayer breakfast was amazing and I am blessed to have met some incredible Christian men who were unafraid to share their testimonies. The A3G Initiative has shown that the industry cares about those who need help and they stand by those making it happen. If you want to hear more in-depth discussion about the Archery Trade Association Show, listen to Episode 37 of the Sprocket & Chubbs Outdoor Podcast. It’s an odoriferous episode full of detailed information!
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