Gear Review: Holosun SCS PDP Reflex Sight

Aging eyes and lack of experience with handguns had me wondering if I’d ever find a combo I really enjoyed shooting. During the last six months, I have been testing new carry guns and the use of reflex sights. Most of my life has been void of both, so I made up for it in 2024. When I was at SHOT Show (2023 and 2024) I shot the Walther PDP-F with a Holosun SCS PDP reflex sight on it. Not only was I impressed with the handgun, but the optic with a green 2 MOA dot & 32 MOA circle was perfect for a guy with astigmatism in both eyes and for someone who has had trouble using a reflex sight. I was able to get my hands on one to use for a few months and ended up with some surprising results.

Details from Holosun: The SCS-PDP-GR (Solar Charging Sight) is designed for Walther PDP 2.0 optics ready models. It is designed to attach directly to the slide without an adapter plate and uses our innovative solar charging system with multi-directional light sensors to automatically adjust brightness in dynamic situations.

The SCS can potentially operate indefinitely using an internal, rechargeable 20,000-hour battery meaning under even moderate exposure to bright light, you will never need to change batteries again. The SCS also includes an intensity override function which locks the optic into a high brightness mode for 30 minutes and a low power indicator, which will signal if charging is needed upon system start up.

Installation of the SCS PDP was simple. For starters, I didn’t need a special optics plate. Simply unscrew the optics plate that comes on the handgun, remove it and store someplace safe. Place the Holosun on the mount (which fits perfectly, I might add), add some blue Loctite to the threads of the screws, and screw them in using the tool provided. You want to use this tool as it will prevent you from over torquing the screws. Try not to use super-human strength, alright?

Dots are nice, but a 32 MOA circle with a dot worked better in some applications. That’s my opinion, of course. When I was at SHOT Show, shooting a handgun with the Holosun SCS PDP got me hooked on the green dot and the 32 MOA circle. I always thought the green would be too bright for me, but it’s honestly easier to see and follow for my aging eyes. The 32 MOA circle gave me the initial confidence to shoot to twelve yards with consistent accuracy. Anything inside that circle was fair game and that is precisely where impact was made. Once I tried that out a few dozen times, I opted to go to just a green dot by pressing the small button on the back of the sight. You can also adjust the brightness of each dot/circle with a light touch to the button. That is a great feature, especially in bright light or very low light.

Adjusting the dot for accuracy was very easy, too. Using the tool provided by Holosun, you adjust up and down (where the U is on top) and R-to-L (with the dial marked R) with short, smooth micro adjustments.

Another benefit is the SCS PDP sits low on the slide, so I didn’t need to order different height open sights. I’ve heard that’s an issue with other sights and handguns, but not this combo. The standard-height sights that came preinstalled work great.

As far as being durable, I have no complaints. I spent some time racking rounds using the sight in a hard surface. A good friend had me try it after he took some concealed carry classes. His point was if you lost the use of an arm (or hand) and needed to rack another round, you would now be able to do it efficiently. It worked better than I expected. I put 500+ rounds through the gun and the sight remained secure. It didn’t loosen up and still holds zero. There are no cracks or dings on the housing either. It’s quite the durable reflex sight.

On a personal level, the sight looks awesome and the attention to detail is fantastic. It blends in well, lines up with the cut-outs and makes using it so much fun. I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to gadgets and clean lines. This was perfect. I initially wanted a “shake awake” optic that would turn on when I removed the handgun from the holster, but after using the SCS PDP, there is no need. I’ve used this sight for six months and it’s been on the entire time. It grabs the ambient light and it only needs the battery at night. It’s super bright, reliable and by far my favorite handgun optic.

Most places I looked at offer the Holosun SCS PDP for around $350.00. Actual recommended price is $412.00 from the Holosun website. For what I see and use it for, you get what you pay for. I’ve tested a few other red and green dots recently and for the money, the Holosun SCS PDP is by far the easiest to use, toughest and most attractive. I not only recommend it, I challenge you to find one better. If you have any questions on the Holosun SCS PDP Reflex Sight, let me know in the comments or shoot me an email.


  1. Jeff said:

    Can use the larger Chevron to find the smaller dot

    January 8, 2025
  2. Gary Lee said:

    Is there a place where I can send my slide from Walthers 9mm PDP 1.0 and have them mill it to make it a 2.0 so holosun red dot and stock sights can both be used

    February 5, 2025
    • Hi Gary. That’s a great question. I don’t know of a specific place to do exactly what you are asking, but here’s what I would suggest. Contact Walther and ask them. They offer specific plates to allow many optics to be installed. I tested out a few and the worked great. Walther has a very knowledgeable staff that can assist. They might have some other suggestions for you, too. Did you have a specific red dot you have or wanted to use with it? God bless, Al.

      February 13, 2025
  3. Rick said:

    Good article on the PDP SCS. Reading this and a few other reviews helped influence me to purchase one for my F-series.

    February 15, 2025
    • Thanks, Rick! I appreciate the feedback. I have to say, it’s my favorite optic right now. Looking forward to updates from you on how you like it.

      February 17, 2025

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