Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

On Saturday, July 26, a team from Boeing, El Dorado Park, the Long Beach Bowhunters, El Dorado Archers, and other volunteers was assembled to fix the fence behind the archery range at El Dorado Park in Long Beach, CA. Over a hundred people showed up, mostly Boeing employees we all…

Shooting my bow is truly therapeutic for me. It’s an escape. On the other hand, it can also mess with your head. Sometimes your shot isn’t where you want it to be. It happens to the best of us. Then there are the times, like tonight for example, where something…

If you have kids and want to share some exciting events and fun things to do this Saturday, take them out to Raauhauge’s Shooting Complex in Corona, CA. The location is well known and here are the details on the day emailed from Turner’s Outdoorsman.  

Training for deer season is something I do not take lightly. That is, I don’t take it lightly NOW. As I have grown older and wiser, I understand the need for fitness and staying in good shape (not perfect shape) to get around and hunt well. Brett and I started…

After I set up my Scorpyd crossbow, I hung it in my garage for a few days while I researched protective cases. I didn’t want to leave it up like that. I wanted it protected. Finding a case that would accommodate the reverse-draw technology of this particular crossbow and not…

The giveaway is now over and the winner by Random Number Generator is Jerud Earnest with the very first comment! Congratulations Jerud and thank you for reading my blog. A big thank you to all who entered and thank you all for reading the blog, too. It’s been a while…

Some of our gear, like clothing, takes up a lot of space and when you are planning a backcountry hunt you need to conserve that space. Upon the recommendation from Mark at SoleAdventure, I checked into the Sea to Summit compression sacks. A couple weeks after I began to field…

Celebrating 20 years of making the best products in the industry, this article from Archery Business, written by Badlands Marketing Director Blake VanTussenbrook, gives a brief history of Badlands and hints of what’s to come. I am excited to be a part of this team! (Click it to make it…