Writing has been a passion of mine from an early age. It’s part of who I am and I love to share my hunting adventures and about what bowhunting means to me. To my great fortune, California Sportsman magazine also enjoyed my style of writing and asked me to submit…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
The older I get, the more areas I want to try to bow hunt. The Spring turkey tune up is coming up next month and I may try to get Brett to head out there with me. For turkey, it would be a great spot to try out and see…
For nearly a year, I have had the Teton Sports Outfitter XXL Quick Tent sitting in my garage. Over and over I have told myself to get it out and set it up. I finally decided that in the middle of Winter I would set it up. Now, I must…
I just received this in my email and wanted to share it right away. I’m a big fan of predator hunting. Coyotes around here are every where and they need to be managed. I cannot make this meeting, but I am hoping at least one of my readers might!___________________________________________________________________ California…
Big boar track on the trail gave us hope! My legs are dog tired! I have hiked mile after mile in sand and up and down hills before, but Saturday my legs and feet took a beating. The funny thing is, I had a blast doing it! My buddy Chris…
In the hunting community, when you hear the name Badlands you think quality backpacks and now quality apparel. The name is synonymous with quality. I have been using Badlands gear for years and am always impressed with the new packs they come out with. This year they released the Badlands…
Everything seemed to hit me all at once a couple weeks ago. In fact, it felt like an implosion in my brain that left me feeling less than inspired to write. It took some solo hunting, backyard camping with my daughter, and watching some On Your Own Adventures online to…
A few months back I was having some serious hip discomfort. It was more of a dull ache that wouldn’t go away. After some tests, X-rays and an MRI I was told I had a cyst caused by hip dysplasia and a torn labrum. You can read the thrilling information…
It’s been seven long years for me. Seven years of hunting hard for Southern California mule deer and I finally put my tag on one. My legs have walked many miles and my friends and I have driven many miles in search of Southern California mule deer. Plenty of scouting,…
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