By the end of November, most of the California deer seasons have ground to a halt. A few options remain for the archers who may have drawn one of the coveted either-sex tags that are good until the end of the year. There are other options for late season hunting,…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
After the second helping of turkey and gravy, third piece of pie, and then a night cap with family, it’s now time to relax, right? I know that a few continuous days of this will lead to lethargic behavior and a desire to make best friends with the couch. Don’t…
Driving to our hunting location at 4:00 AM on Saturday was much better than the normal 3:00 AM, but it was met with chilly air that turned colder as we neared the mountains. Brett monitored the temperature gauge and we laughed about it being colder than normal and hoped we…
After talking with local Strother Archery rep, Dave Diekmann, about the new compound bows, I just had to get out and shoot them. Up until this point I had never shot a Strother bow, even though I had been hearing good things about them for years. One of the main…
After talking with local Strother Archery rep, Dave Diekmann, about the new compound bows, I just had to get out and shoot them. Up until this point I had never shot a Strother bow, even though I had been hearing good things about them for years. One of the main…
Growing older for a man usually leads to a quest for either getting a better body or going through a mid-life crisis. I am fighting the ‘closer to 40’ feeling by finely tuning my body and mind. For the past 30 days I have been working out and taking SIX…
Blaze Orange. You wouldn’t believe the amount of blaze orange Brett and I saw last Sunday. We knew we would encounter some, but we must have run into 40 rifle hunters near our spot. It was good and bad. Good to know that if there are that many hunters there…
Hunting the West forces you to become best friends with your optics out of necessity. Covering ground in a short amount of time is imperative. One of the best ways to do this is with the use of high quality optics. As a Southern California hunter who has to cover…
My gear has been getting a workout this year. So have my legs. I have been practicing, scouting, hiking, and hunting for a couple months and have yet to draw back on a deer. It’s been tough to say the least. Will I let that get me down? Heck no!…
Recently, I shared some hunt success from the East Coast and now it’s about time to share the West Coast version. Some of my hunting buddies have been putting in a great deal of time and effort to kill some deer and pigs this year and have met with great…
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