Category: <span>working out</span>

Over the weekend I was pondering many things. Would we see deer on our deer scouting trip? Would I be able to get everything done around the house that I wanted to? How were people remembering our fallen Veterans? The one thing I was not thinking about was my own…

Motivation, Accountability, Goals Ever have one of those weeks where you just don’t have the drive to hit the gym or workout? Lately, I have been trying to dig myself out of a rut. I am not writing this looking for a pity party or ‘atta-boys’ for work I have…

Last Day of Archery Deer Season 2011 Saturday was the last day of 2011 and the last chance for me to shoot a deer in Southern California. Again, we hit the trailhead early and hiked in to our spot. On our way in we spotted a big skunk with his…

Improving Your Fitness For Hunting Season Back in January, I never thought I’d be where I am today fitness-wise. If you’ve read my blog, you know that I have dropped a significant amount of body fat, increased my cardio to an all-time high and got my body much leaner than…