Every outdoor person has specific gear needs and wants. Great gear is out there and you want the best money can buy. I decided to put together a gift guide with the gear that I use. I’ve hunted for a long time and used a lot of gear. These items are awesome and worth every penny. If you have questions on any of these items, please email me and I’ll help in whatever way I can.
1. HHA Sports Optimizer Tetra TE Single-Pin Archery Sight – HHA Sports always seems to impress me every year with new offerings and rock-solid equipment. I have been shooting with the HHA Optimizer Tetra TE at the range out to 80 yards and in my backyard at 10 yards. I can quickly and easily dial it in and shoot. Be warned, if you continue to practice shooting at the same spot over and over with this sight, you are bound to start splitting arrows!
2. Rugged Meats – These are wholesome snacks made with the best ingredients. I will warn you that they are delicious AND nutritious…so be aware they may not last long! Be sure to stock up on them and put a few in your pack on each hunt.
3. Vortex Razor HD 12×50 Binoculars – I found that the Vortex Razor 12x50s work incredibly well in low light conditions. Just before sunrise and after sundown, these worked great and you are able to spot not only movement, but the actual animal outline at quite a distance. Two thumbs up for that right there!
After using these for three seasons, it was easy for me to justify why the price shouldn’t matter.
4. Badlands PYRE Apparel – Hunting in NY where it was fourteen degrees with a 5-7 mph breeze was a challenge. With my new PYRE clothing I was toasty. The PYRE gear is exceptional cold weather gear! I remained warm all day long. We stayed in our stands for 10+ hours that day and I never got cold. Having hunted whitetails for over 30 years, I have hunted my fair share of frigid days. This is the only time in three decades I have been this warm in a treestand. Worth every penny if you hunt in cold weather.
5. Propper Carbon Carry Belt – Competitively priced at $49.99, these are priced to sell. It’s a great price considering what you get, there is free shipping, and there is a low price guarantee. Considering it is the only belt I have used that secures both pants and holster with loaded firearm, I definitely recommend the Propper Carbon Carry Belt to handgunners with any size handgun.
6. Fenix PD35TAC Flashlight – The PD35TAC has a very tight, focused beam. This is one of the best features. The light spread is minimal and allows you to focus on your target. The PD35TAC from the Fenix-Store is a great tactical flashlight. It is also a great flashlight to keep in your vehicle should you need it.
7. Peltor Sport TAC- 500 Hearing Protection – If you shoot handguns often these would be perfect! If you shoot AR style rifles or hunting rifles, these are also great! If you shoot rifles with a high cheek rest, these may not be the ones for you as the earmuff hits the cheek rest, especially if you use a high cheek rest. For most applications, these would be an excellent investment, especially if you need all of the functions they come with.
8. Wild Hedgehog Get Home Alive Medical Kit – Staying safe in the backcountry is something I continually express to my fellow hunters. A solid first aid kit is part of that and is something that can help save a life in an emergency situation. A severe injury or trauma kit is one step up from that. I have packed the Wild Hedgehog Get Home Alive Medical Kit in my pack for years and while I have not had to use many items, it is a kit everyone should take a look at. This is not your ‘run of the mill’ first aid kit and deserves a thorough consideration for your backpack.
9. Work Sharp Combo Knife Sharpener – The Work Sharp Combo Knife Sharpener is very easy to use, and is great for people who are constantly using their knives. The Combo Sharpener is made for keeping an edge on knives and keeping them razor sharp. You can probably sharpen a very dull knife with this, but you’ll eat away at your sharpening belt. Use this sharpener often with the blades you continue to use and you get longer life out of them and you’ll enjoy them more!
10. Bullseye Camera Systems AmmoCam Long Range Edition – If you plan to invest a great deal of time shooting and recording your data to improve, this system is a must have. If you are simply plinking and don’t care how close you get to the center of the target, then continue doing what you are doing. These systems are designed for the long range shooters that want to record their data, improve their shooting, and enjoy shooting more and more.
11. Rocky Dakota Ridge Waterproof Pull-On Western Boots – Normally, I’d post up about how much I love my Rocky hunting boots (which I do), but I am going to touch on the Rocky Western boots. They are wicked comfortable! I wear my Dakota Ridge boots all the time because they feel like a sneaker, look like a western boot, and people compliment me all the time on them. If you have a hankering for some western boots, be sure to check these out!
12. Vortex Viper PST-GEN II 3-15×44 FFP Rifle Scope – My rifles have Vortex scopes on them and I love the performance. For a few reasons, I opted to purchase the PST Gen II this year. It’s the best scope purchase I have made (so far) and it is awesome! It has an illuminated reticle, First Focal Plane capability, and is crystal clear all the way through dusk. It’s great for all of my California and New York hunts. It’s actually on my list to purchase again for a different rifle. Hopefully I am on the Nice List this year!
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