In no particular order, here are the top gear items (from our point of view) from the Anteris Alliance Try & Buy. We had a great time and want to thank everyone who took time to share knowledge. We all learned a great deal and had fun doing it.

Charlie Mike Precision G-Sling – Made and manufactured right here in the USA, this multi-purpose sling is brilliant. It can be adjusted to be a single point or double point sling. Charlie Melton explained that it increases stability, which I learned works quite well. Two forward points of contact on the bi-pod and a strap around my thigh cinches it up. That’s me shooting a 300 WM with the G-Sling attached and it locked the rifle to my shoulder. It sells for $129.99 on the Charlie Mike Precision website.

Walther Q4 SF handgun – Having never shot a Walther, I didn’t know what to expect. I had seen the grip contour in the press release and needed to see how it felt. Open sights, sleek contour, and buttery slide, the Q4 Steel Frame was accurate and a joy to shoot. We all enjoyed firing this at multiple targets and it turned out to be a favorite at the show. It was actually my favorite handgun to shoot this year. Only bummer for me is that I can’t get it in California, but a man can dream, right?

LEO Takedown – This system was so interesting we talked with President Joe Weir for nearly a half hour as he showed us how it worked. It allows you to disassemble your AR for discreet carrying in a backpack and allows assembly in as quick as 30 seconds for the regular shooter. There was this one guy who could do it in 15 seconds, but we didn’t put him on the spot. I can’t do the system justice other than to say it went together quickly (tight tolerance) and was impressive. This isn’t the entire rifle, but simply the Upper Receiver Coupling, Barrel Coupling and Gas Tube Cap. It’s not inexpensive as it runs between $299-450, but it is very cool!

Obsidian Arms – Bill is seen here holding one of the lightest rifles for 3-gun competition. These guys did their homework. The 3 Gun Rifle – Club Match was wicked fun to shoot, but insanely easy to shoot around the range with a red dot scope. With it’s lightweight build, we had no trouble shooting at further distance quickly and accurately.
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