Calling All Hunters: Second Hearing on Petition to Ban California Bear Hunting is Tomorrow

Set a reminder for 8:30 AM Thursday, April 21, to attend the California Fish and Game Commission (FGC) hearing via Zoom. The FGC will hold its second hearing on a petition to ban bear hunting until the completion of a comprehensive population study. The Humane Society of the United States-authored Petition 2021-027 alleges that the department doesn’t have sufficient population data to justify continued hunting. During the hearing the commission will take public comment before deciding to grant, deny or refer the petition for further review.

View a copy of the FGC agenda. Petition 2021-027 is under Agenda Item 30 (b) II (page 8).

The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFW) has recommended that Petition 2021-027 be denied.  FGC staff also recommends that Petition 2021-027 be denied. 

To view all the information available on Petition 2021-027 – including the CDFW and FGC review and recommendation detail, click here and start on page 92. If you want to jump straight to the recommendation, go to the bottom of page 98.

The final decision on Petition 2021-027 will be made by the Commission, so it is important that sportsmen weigh in. Howl for Wildlife provided excellent talking points available to download here. Testimony will likely be limited to 1 minute, so be concise and please be respectful.

Sportsmen who wish to submit public comment to protect bear hunting can email the Commission at: [email protected], and can also speak live during the hearing via Zoom: Meeting ID: 891 0783 6662. The hearing can be watched live here: FGC Live Hearing Broadcast. Be sure to attend!

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