Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Most everyone is facing some sort of bump in the road due to this virus. I’m working from home, my daughter is home from school (but her teacher is awesome and giving them daily work), and my wife has to report to work. We are praying for a vaccine, washing…

From the Sportsman Alliance PR this morning. In case you’ve been under a rock, oblivious to everything around you, California is under fire. From anti-hunting groups to the government, we have to stand and fight. Contact your senators (and I don’t mean simply emailing them). How? Call them! The more…

2020 has started out with a bang! We have so much coming over the next couple months. Everything from new gear reviews, a new hunting adventure, and some incredible interviews. Plus there might be a new bow purchase in my future and a pretty sweet rifle build. Can’t wait to…

The Fred Hall Show is a must see for avid fishermen, their children, friends and the entire family. Let’s face it, there isn’t much for the hunter. Normally you can find some like-minded people attending, but keep in mind it is mainly a fishing show. It would be great to…

CDFW Press Release: CDFW is offering 91 separate special turkey hunting opportunities throughout the state. Application for these special hunting opportunities must be made through CDFW’s Automated License Data System (ALDS). Hunts are grouped into four separate drawings: Junior hunts, General Opening Weekend hunts, Archery-Only hunts and Balance of Season…

Who likes to win archery gear? My buddy Matt over at the Average Hunter hosts an auction each year to benefit St. Jude Children’s Hospital. It’s not your regular, run-of-the-mill auction either. He hosts an archery auction with some great gear for an incredible cause. Follow the link and get…

Ever get an itch you just can’t scratch? I’ve spent a considerable amount of time over the last two weeks contemplating one thing; Should I buy a new bow? It may seem like the norm these days to buy a new bow each year, but for me it’s a new…

Want to get excited to hunt this year? As I could not make it to ATA, I sat and watched the entire Badlands Film Festival video last night and loved it! Great stories and great film making! Take some time to sit down and open your mind to all of…

It’s now February and I am thinking it is time for a new bow. I’m not one of the guys who has to have a new bow each year, but I am eager to try out some of the new technology that is being offered. Plus, a new bow to…