Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Excitement is in the air! Things have shifted in the bowhunting world, but not in the way that you might think. Yesterday, it was announced on the Deer Cast podcast that Drury Outdoors has parted ways with PSE and has teamed up with none other than Mathews Archery. I am…

Sharp, precision knives are essential to hunters in the field. Over the years, I have used and abused many different knives with mixed results. One knife company whose knives I had never used until 2020 is MORAKNIV. Simply MORA for many. For the last six months I have been using…

Hunters need sharp, durable knives for many reasons. Hunters need them for skinning, fire starting, protection, and slicing up dinner by the fire. Over many years of hunting, I have used and abused many different knives. One knife company whose knives I had not used until 2020 is MORAKNIV out…

A few weeks back, a buddy helped me with my archery form as I was hitting left more than I like and I had trouble keeping my single pin steady. I have had the same issue for about six years. We didn’t completely figure it out, so I started investigating.…

It’s been an interesting 2020, wouldn’t you say? Stifle your laughter! I’ve been trying to keep up with posting here on the blog, but more and more I lean toward other instant social media blitzes. To be honest, work has me very busy and once I am clocked out, I…

If you read my last post, you know that a couple months ago I made the switch to a Mathews VXR 31.5 compound bow. After adding all of my accessories, I waited for my new strings from Piranha Bowstrings to arrive before I fine tuned anything. When they arrived, I…

Normally, during the beginning of the year, I am reloading or doing research on new hunting areas in SoCal. This year started out that way until I got the itch to go shoot some new bows. A few months back, before the kick-off to Corona season, I shot numerous bows…

As of today, we can put in for our 2020 hunting tags. My question to all of you is will we be given the opportunity to hunt this year? COVID-19 has put a damper on many things this year and many states are temporarily closing hunting and fishing seasons. I…

BARNEVELD, Wis. Vortex® Optics is going long, expanding on the value and reliability of their Strike Eagle® line of optics with the Strike Eagle® 5-25×56 FFP. Tactically-minded, long-range shooters can expect an incredible number of long-range tools in an incredibly affordable package. The First Focal Plane reticle ensures accurate holdovers and ranging…

Some simple, yet excellent advice from avid target archer and bow hunter, Paige Pearce.