My eyes have seen and hands have held many hunting knives over the years. I love a good knife! Back in 2022, I started doing some research on getting a custom knife made. I was very particular about the overall design, but I had so many ideas. My Instagram feed…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.…
Creating new things to eat makes me happy. Not simply because I like to eat, but because I like the process. The other day, I decided I wanted to explore a crockpot dish in a new, healthier way. With deer meat and veggies in the freezer, I wanted to make…
Repurposing and building new things from said repurposed items makes me happy. It also keep my ever grinding mind busy and working, in order to keep me out of trouble. In my garage, I had a rather large shipping pallet that needed to either be; 1.) taken to the dump,…
January has flown by and priorities have shifted multiple times. It occurred to me this week that I have not shared anything from the Archery Trade Association show! So many great things happened and I was able to talk to many manufacturers about new products launching this year. Most of…
My Spypoint cameras are still up and working well, despite this intense cold we have in Nashville. It almost feels like the deer know they are working, too! Here are a couple photos from yesterday that made me smile. Little miss nanny here decided the perfect place to relieve herself…
Safari Club International – SCI is hosting a 3D archery shoot at Old Hickory Lake Bowmen Club during the convention here in Nashville! This event is sponsored by Jack Link’s Beef Jerky and is guaranteed to have some challenging shots, but it will be one of the most fun shoots…
The Faithful Sportsman will have some apparel and hats for sale after ATA and SHOT Show. Which colors are your favorites? If I don’t have a color you would like, please let me know. Now, I am thinking about having some shirts with a catchy phrase or Bible verse on…
In 2023, I hunted hard for mature bucks in New York and Tennessee. I came close in Tennessee, but close doesn’t fill the freezer now, does it? In NY, I opted to only hunt for a mature buck, despite having access to doe tags. God has a sense of humor…
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