Hello and welcome back! I sure picked a great time of year to rebrand. That’s sarcasm for those of you who thought I was serious. But yeah, who rebrands in December? This guy! It’s great to get some words into a post and share with everyone. What can you expect…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
Well hello there! It’s been a minute…a few months since my last post. Where have I been? Let me catch you up as to why I have been off the radar! Back in May, my wife and I bought a house in Middle Tennessee. We loved the area and the…
ESEE Ashley Game Knife works for bushcraft and hunting.
As a hunter, when preparing for a hunt and I will always have a sharp knife in my kit. Normally, more than one, but one main knife for the majority of the tasks required. For a year, I have been testing the Case® x Winkler Knives® Recurve Utility No. 6…
In case you have been living off the grid, our Sprocket & Chubbs Podcast is LIVE and ready for a listen! What started out as a joke amongst friends at the 2023 ATA Show has developed into a podcast between myself and my good friend, Aaron Ritter. We plan to…
We hunters tend to love sharp things, especially knives. Personally, I am a sucker for arrows, broadheads and knives. Specifically fixed-blade hunting knives. Last year, I began working on a project where I wanted to test my skills with a fixed-blade knife for hunting use and for bushcrafting. So, for…
Pardon the delay in getting this info out in a timely manner. Doh! Many moons ago, in the early days of The SoCal Bowhunter, I was invited to the Archery Trade Association Show a few times. Each year I declined due to family obligations. This year was different, as my…
Finding quality animals to hunt is a challenge hunters thrive on. I love the anticipation of seeing what animals made it through the season and what new animals have appeared. With the development of new technology, cellular trail cameras are an impressive tool that have much to offer. It took…
Close your eyes and think about what you are hearing. Is it the hum of the refrigerator or maybe the neighbor mowing his lawn? Maybe it’s the wind or snoring or kids yelling down the street. No matter what, we are always hearing what’s going on around us, but we…
Recently, some Christian men, who also happen to be avid bowhunters, received an invitation to travel to Nashville, TN to participate in a 3D archery event and do a little recon for a future HHAUSA archery shoot. Chris Hamm co-owner of HHA Sports and founder of HHAUSA; Chad Stillman, retired…
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