Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>

Calling In A Bull Elk: Is There Such Thing As Too Much? I read an article in my email from Bowhunting World today where Ralph Ramos says: I’ve found that “excessive” cow talk, combined with immature-sounding, non-intimidating bugles is the preferred conversation for many of today’s “educated” bull elk. This…

Gearing Up For The Season July is coming fast and so is deer season. I have been doing some gear reviews lately and testing out plenty of other equipment. Some of the gear tested was spectacular and some show little promise. You’ll be seeing more reviews soon, but until then…

Half of Hunters Facing Access Restrictions Spend Less Time in Field I was reviewing some older emails from outdoor sources when I came across this article from The Outdoor Wire. It’s based on a survey about hunting access. FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. – Nearly half of the hunters who were restricted…

Women’s Outdoor Skills Workshop Scheduled For Western Colorado As I was going through my morning emails I found this one from the Colorado Department of Wildlife (DOW).  I love seeing women (and our youth) get involved in outdoor activities. This is one way that Colorado is helping women learn about…

For Sale: Royal Bull Hunting Waist Pack I have a barely used Royal Bull hunting waist pack in RealTree MAX1. It has two pockets, two 1-pint water bottles and has adjustable Conforma Stretch shoulder straps. It’s 17″ x 7″ x 5″ and weighs 2.5 lbs. I decided I wanted a…

Outdoor Life names the best towns in America for hunters and fishermen Ever wonder where the best places to go for hunting and fishing in the US are? Outdoor Life just released their third annual ranking of the best towns in America for hunters and fishermen. I wasn’t surprised that…

Angeles National Forest To Open Some Areas Closed By The Station FireGood news for those who hunt or plan to hunt D11 or A31 this year. It’s not much, but it’s something. We all have to remember that they are trying to allow the forest to recover. It’ll take quite…

ThermaCELL Contest I wanted to thank those of you who entered my referral code in the ThermaCELL contest. You all helped me win a $300 gift card to Bass Pro Shops just in time for Father’s Day. Thank you guys! I love that place like a fat kid loves cake.…

New Contest: SOG Hunter Revolver Knife Back in march I reviewed an awesome knife from SOG called the Hunter Revolver. You can read the review here. We are giving one away over at on the Contest page. Stop on over, sign up and then guess the score of the…

Product Review: Scott Archery ReleasesOne of the items I love having in my gear bag is my Scott Archery release. I have used a release for many years now and I remember back to the day when my dad bought me my very first one. It was a Tru-Fire release…