California Deer Association Announces Seventh “Sharing the Tradition” Junior Hunt If you have a child or a young person you know that wants to kill his first deer then the following article is for you. I read this over at The Outdoor Wire today and got very excited! This is…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
Bear Hunting Seminar at Bass Pro ShopsGearing up for this years archery bear season has been fun and exciting. Research and plenty of practice at the range has me chomping at the bit. I have been talking with my friend Eric Welsh over at and started talking about where…
Product Review: Bohning Tower Fletching Jig Gadgets, gadgets and more gadgets! I love gadgets and things that make my life easier. I am constantly striving to find good products for me and my fellow bowhunters that will make life easier in the long run. Time is valuable and I want…
Moving up in the world The other day my dad and I were discussing what gear we wanted for the upcoming deer season. Notice I said ‘wanted’ and not ‘needed’. We both have everything we need, we have for decades. Really, we have. My dad said to me, “I remember…
Arizona Big Game Super Raffle The Arizona Game & Fish emails I get are always full of useful information. Today I received an email informing me that the AZ Big Game Super Raffle was going to close and that I hadn’t bought my ticket. Ok, so it didn’t say I…
Product Review: MapCard Online Mapping When I first moved to California I had a very difficult time finding areas to hunt. I was also intimidated by the maps that you can buy at the local sporting goods stores. They cover a very large range and it’s difficult to find specific…
Pro-Hunting Bill Advances in Sacramento, CA I was excited to see this in my email today. Having a couple days to get more people involved would be great. I am definitely in it to help get a few more archers in the woods. Important Pro-Hunting Bill Advances in Sacramento! Please…
Getting a Good Education – For Bowhunters Recently, I have had a few new bowhunters ask me where they can find out about taking the CA Bowhunter Safety Course. Back in NY we had to sit through a Saturday class. It seemed long when I was 14, but in reality…
Black Bear Encounters On The Rise As we get into camping season, summer vacation and day trips, we will start to see more and more encounters with black bears. For me, I hope to encounter a few when I have my bow in hand during early September. I just read…
Product Review: Midland GXT950VP4 FRS/GMRS Radios Hunting in Southern California doesn’t lend itself to easy-on-the body hunting, like driving to your spot, putting up a treestand and sitting all day. Out here you have to drive around, spot and stalk, and do plenty of hiking to find your game. I…
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