Stay sharp. The lawmakers in California are at it again. This time it is to ban bear hunting in California. Looks like they want to simply flush money away as that is a solid source of revenue. More importantly, bears, like any any other animal, need to be regulated.…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
Althought we did not have an in-person ATA Show this year, some new products were announced that I am eager to get my hands on. Two of them are shown below; the HHA TETRA Stabilizer system and the TightSpot Pivot 2.5 Quiver. I have not yet seen these in person,…
Traveling with hunting gear can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. You want your gear protected at all costs. When I travel for an archery hunt, I want my gear to arrive just as secure as when I set it on that conveyor belt. Back at SHOT Show…
Ever have a memory just pop into your head and make you smile? This memory recurs every year, but this year I decided to share it. Little did I know that the Christmas I am about the share would turn out to be something very special.
This came through The Outdoor Wire this morning and I opened it with fervor. I had briefly heard of NYS DEC wanting to ban hunting scents a couple years ago, but I thought it had died. Living in California, I should have known things like this never die, they are…
After watching this a couple times I had to share. This is great to watch as it reminds me of hunting back home. Great tactics and focus! Plus, some some rad camo I know I have seen before.
Love this, but right at the 6:20 mark is great. Watch and you’ll understand.
Bow seasons are finally here! Many started a month or two ago here in California, but all around the country hunters are getting to the woods, forest and around the world. While COVID has been slinging obstacles at us, we are determined to get out and hunt. For those traveling,…
With the opening of deer season looming in Southern California, I wonder how many hunters will be hitting public and private land. There are plenty of tags still available and opportunities abound, if you put the work in. Have you been scouting? Did you see any legal bucks on your…
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