Poking fun at myself comes naturally. I like to have a good laugh and I should be comfortable while doing it. Back in December, I started “field testing” the Red & Black Lumberjack Pajamaralls from Shinesty. Wearing them around my house and on Christmas Day around the neighborhood made for…
Author: <span>Albert Quackenbush</span>
Flatlanders may or may not understand the relationship of the third axis on your archery sight when shooting a bow (I know I didn’t 15 years ago), so let me break it down as simply as I can. If you shoot your bow at steep angles (up or down), you…
As a teenager, I never considered fine tuning my compound bow for hunting season. Most of us farm boys didn’t even know about tuning a bow. If I was able to hit the target, center mass at 30 yards, from a treestand, I was A-OK and ready to hunt. I…
Over the years, I have become addicted to planning my hunts. Yes, I have THAT addiction. Meticulously researching gear, maps, regulations and tag fees. It can get a bit overwhelming if you don’t take a breath once in a while, but it’s oh so much fun! This year isn’t any…
Over the course of the last couple months, I have been working on cleaning up and getting an older, but new-to-me bow set up to hunt. I purchased a used 2011 Bear Attack compound bow from a buddy who was offloading it from his shop. In full disclosure, the first…
For those that were interested, I am going to hold the meet up on hunting this Saturday, February 20 at 10:00 AM at El Dorado Park West. Remember, it’s free for you and there’s no charge for parking over here. Bring a chair, your questions and a map if you…
If you practice consistently with your archery tackle, you need a solid target that can withstand a beating. Add in a fast bow, slim diameter arrows and increased FOC, and you need something extremely durable that will stop all kinds of arrows. For five months, I used the Delta McKenzie…
Keeping this short and simple, we spoke up and S.B. 252 – the bill to end bear hunting in California – was pulled at the beginning of February. While I am happy it was pulled, I know it will not stop and we must remain vigilant. The HSUS will continue…
Bear hunting in California is on the verge of elimination! I posted this earlier this week when it broke, but now we need to act. California hunters need you to speak up and act on this! S.B. 252 is a direct attack on hunting and proper game management. It is…
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Tonight, as I was going through some of my older YouTube videos, I found a gem that made me shudder. Yet, after watching it, I found myself incredibly happy. It is a simple video of me practicing at El Dorado Park in preparation for a hog hunt with my friend…
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